Kamis, 22 September 2011

Homemade Baby Food | Homemade Baby Food Recipes

Homemade Baby Food. Making homemade baby food is really a very simple process and requires very little in terms of kitchen equipment. In addition, the benefits of preparing food for your baby at home using organic products is clear. It is proven that children eating organic foods sixth of pesticides than children who eat traditional foods. Add to peace of mind that comes with exactly what your baby food and extra effort in preparing homemade baby food look really bad.

There are really only four items are needed to prepare and store homemade baby food, good food factories, ships, airtight storage containers and microwave.

Baby Food Mill

A food mill is feed equipment to destroy the food preparation software, and baby food mill is really only the absolute necessary equipment for making homemade baby food.These devices can be manual or electrical equipment.

Guide the plant usually has a hand crank operated and playback of pure seeds and the skin to a smooth finished product. In fact, manual food mill is not really slippery, even if they do a great job with quick punches, as long as they cook good food to start. In addition, the separation of the skin is not perfect puree and better to remove the skin first. If not, you may need to stretch afterwards pure.

A far better option is to invest in the power supply windmills. 
This device consists of a bowl for food, an electric motor, and blades to keep the mashed food. There is no screening, so again you want the skin to remove the previous results, or do you stretch after dark. Preparing baby food manufactured with a simple power supplies, and devices are highly recommended.


A food vessel is a kitchen appliance used to prepare food in closed containers to prevent the discharge of air under a predetermined pressure. 
With steaming, fewer nutrients lost compared to other cooking techniques, where most of the nutrients removed after cooking. This ship is used to soften vegetables and other foods so they can share to food crops.

Fly-tight storage containers

When preparing homemade baby food, may need to make enough food for several meals at once. 
In this case needed to store food in airtight containers to prevent contamination. Tupperware or similar containers in sizes suitable for baby food, independent individuals and good if your baby can be entered directly from the container. You do not want to eat out of the container and then store the unused food from the same container as the risk of infection.

Microwave Oven

A microwave cooks or heats food by microwave radiation to heat the polarized molecules in food. 
Today they are found in almost every kitchen. They are used to heat the individual pieces of food had been prepared and stored in the refrigerator. It is very important to pay much attention to interfere with the food after heating and then test the temperature to ensure that there is no risk of burns because microwaves can heat food quickly at very high temperatures. This may mean that no more than 15 seconds to heat a single baby food. 
Be careful!